In 2019 I started a flow experiment with myself.
For the previous decade I had been in charge of a team in my business and I’d learned to micromanage all aspects of my life.
After becoming a mother in 2018 I noticed that a lot of my masculine tendencies to overthink, overanalyse and overdo were no longer serving me.
I knew something had to change. I needed to surrender some of the control that was taking over my life.
Prompted by my coach I decided to explore how to get in FLOW.
I learnt about balancing my internal masculine and feminine energies.
I got more comfortable with others making decisions in my life.
I let my intuition lead rather than my mind.
I allowed my life to unfold naturally, rather than steering it to a place of my choosing.
I built up a new level of trust in myself and my life’s path.
Quickly I started to experience synchronicities all around me. My coaching business exploded and for the first time I began to truly relax and experience peace in myself.
Since then I’ve worked with hundreds of people helping them find their FLOW. Mastering their energetics so that they can grow their personal and business life with ease.
What does being in flow mean? So many of us follow formulas and do things because others tell us it’s the right way or the right time. Being in flow means we learn to trust ourselves in our decisions and lead from a place of inspiration rather than dogma.
My signature Flow Alchemy programme is a culmination of all these teachings. It’s packed with interactive exercises and invitations that I’ve gathered over the last 7 years since becoming a coach and mentor in finding flow.
In it you’ll get beneath your conditioning to understand what you truly desire. You will get beyond the blocks to your flow using Reparenting and balance your internal masculine and feminine energies.
Finally you’ll gain insight into where you are still holding onto control and learn how to surrender to something greater than yourself. You’ll find your flow and embody wisdom that you can apply to all areas of your life.
Dozens of people have completed this self paced programme and had profound breakthroughs in their career and personal lives.
I’m offering it for a third of the price until the end of October. Use code FLOW99 to gain access to it today.
This is the only way to work with me while I take some time off for maternity and the last chance the course will be available in its current form. Sign up here for instant access today.