Reparenting Podcast
Hosted By Melissa Maouris
I’m Melissa Maouris, a Reparenting coach and in this podcast I’ll be helping you to understand what Reparenting is and how it can radically transform your relationship with yourself.
This ancient tool now backed up by neuroscience enables you to become your own parent in order to go beyond any old mindsets and conditioning.
In this series I'll be delivering solo episodes diving into different aspects of Reparenting, giving you the chance to reflect and discover more about your authentic self whilst increasing your access to your flow state.
Alongside there are interview episodes with wellness experts where we discover modalities and practises that complement the art of Reparenting. We discuss how they’ve used Reparenting themselves and in their relationships, including their experience of parenting and being parented, as these dynamics form our needs for Reparenting.
My aim is to support and inspire you, the listener, to better understand yourself through the lens of Reparenting, giving you tools to increase your self-belief and trust in yourself, access more intuition and flow in your life.
Episode Guide

S2: E8: Reparent Your Feminine: Beyond Avoidance & Comparison
Do you find yourself feeling stuck and procrastinating? Would you like to stop comparing yourself to others and people pleasing? In this episode we look at why balancing your internal feminine energy can do just that. With simple Reparenting exercises that can unlock any blocks to your flow.

S2: E9: Listener Q: What do I do when my loved ones don’t understand my self development journey?
This common painful experience often holds up a mirror to our own past and can be overcome using the art of Reparenting. I talk through a simple process and dive into insights that helps anyone in this situation.

S2: E7: Reparent Your Masculine: Beyond Overwhelm & Perfectionism
Would you like to let go of internal pressure and unhealthy expectations on yourself? Do you experience perfectionism and overwhelm? This episode is for you as we look at our internal masculine energy and how to use Reparenting to balance it and experience more flow and ease in yourself.

S2: E9: Healing the mother wound with Laura Hart Swann
Laura Hart Swann works guiding people across the portals of birth and death and healing the feminine wound. We discuss how she found had to heal her own mother wound, modern birth practises and what the world would look like with women owning their true power.

S1:E6: Using Coaching For Yourself & Your Children with Alister Gray & Ilaria Nardini
This discussion with the founders of the highly successful coaching training academy Mindful Talent unveils how they've broken down many conventions through their choices after becoming parents and coaches simultaneously.
About Your Host

Melissa Maouris is a Reparenting coach helping people to transform the relationship they have with themselves. Reparenting is an ancient tool that enables you to become your own parent in order to access more flow state.
She is the host of the Reparenting podcast and runs a variety of group coaching programmes on Flow & Reparenting. Trained under Dr Shefali in her conscious parenting approach, Melissa has worked with the UN Women charity, spoken for Stylist magazine and been featured in the likes of GQ magazine.
She has mentored dozens of coaches through her role as Lead Mentor for the Mindful Talent coaching academy. Her workshops and programmes are popular with those that crave clarity and purpose in their lives