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Calling All Mothers Craving Connection

They say it takes a village to raise a child, yet so few of us have access to this in the modern world. Right now mothers are expected to juggle many roles and hold more responsibilities than ever. I’ve experienced first hand the exhaustion and relentless frustration that arises from trying to be the mother I want to be and also the woman I want to be in the world. I have yearned for more support, more nurturing, more guidance and more wisdom countless times. In many ways the village has been destroyed and so I have decided to create a new one. It’s scientifically proven that we are less reactive when we feel connected and heard by others. For centuries women and mothers gathered together in circles to speak their truth and feel held by other women. When we lost that, we lost our ability to make sense of ourselves. It Takes A Village is a space for mothers to come together and feel seen and understood. Open to expectant mothers, mothers to children young and old, step mothers, mothers who have lost children (born or unborn), mothers with babes in arms and women who yearn to be mothers. This is a portal to the mother archetype that lives within every woman alive. A donation based circle, the theme for this video call will be Connection. Whether you are called to come and share or simply listen, this is a place to receive and be met exactly where you are. There will also be tools and coaching exercises to feel more connected in your parenting journey and beyond.

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